The USMLE assesses a physician's ability to apply knowledge, concepts, and principles, and to demonstrate fundamental patient-centered skills, that are important in health and disease and that constitute the basis of safe and effective patient care.
● The United States Medical Licensure Exam (USMLE) Step 1, commonly called “the Boards,” is a standardized test that assesses a med student’s ability to apply basic science fundamentals to the practice of medicine. The entire exam has three steps, but the below applies only to Step 1. Students generally take Step 1 following their second year of medical school. The test is administered by the National
Once you’ve decided whether you’re going to enroll in a prep course, and which question bank and books you’ll be using to study, you can also begin to practice the following preparation strategies:
● Start preparing for the USMLE Step 1 the moment you set foot into medical school by using board books as you are taking courses in each subject. For example, while you are studying microbiology, review “Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously Simple.”
When the test day arrives, here are some tips to help you approach the USMLE Step 1 with assurance that you will be successful:
● Know how to get to the test site, and do a practice run. There is nothing worse than feeling rushed on the morning of the test.
● Get to the test site at least 30 minutes early, and be sure to have a current picture ID with your signature, along with a printed copy of your scheduling permit.
So which type of learner are you?